Humans vs Zombies: An Invasion is Coming to Missoula

Humans vs Zombies: An Invasion is Coming to Missoula


Humans vs. Zombies was invented at Goucher College in 2005.

A lot like a game of sharks and minnows, the humans begin the game as humans and one by one they are tagged and turn into zombies. For humans, the goal is to remain human.   Once turned into a zombie  the goal is to create more zombies.  The game runs for days, which encourages team work and support for each others survival.

Humans vs Zombies

“This game is EPIC in every way. Forming bonds with random survivors and teaming up to complete missions is a thrill.”
- Kenya J.

The game spread virally across the internet as students first gained access to Facebook, and told their friends from home about the game. Today, HvZ is played at over 650 colleges and universities across the world, as well as high schools, military bases, summer camps, and public libraries.

This Spring Humans vs Zombies will take over the University of Montana campus May 5-9th.

This may the zombies will arrive on campus at UofM the week before finals.  Students will survive together, or thrive as zombies.  We will find out who wins on May 9th!



Photos and videos are from Humans vs Zombies.

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