Which US States Have the Most Pride? Montana Was Ranked #1

Which US States Have the Most Pride? Montana Was Ranked #1

A Gallup poll recently surveyed all 50 states to find out what residents say about their state. It was no surprise to us that Montana came out on top of the list for the best places to live! 77% of Montana residents said their state was the best or one of the best possible states to live in. Alaska came in the list as a close second.

Residents who have a lot of state pride also "generally boast a greater standard of living, higher trust in state government, and less resentment toward the amount they pay in state taxes," according to Gallup.


Top 10 places to live:

1. Montana 77%

2. Alaska 77%

3. Utah 70%

4. Wyoming 69%

5. Texas 68%

6. Hawaii 68%

7. New Hampshire 67%

8. North Dakota 66%

9. Colorado 65%

10. Vermont 61%


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